Monday, March 28, 2011

Four months, two seasons, one suitcase.

One of my main sources of stress when preparing for this course was agonizing over what to pack.  Previously, I have over packed for every trip I’ve ever gone on regardless of whether it lasted a long weekend or an entire month.  Since I will be spending four months in Europe I was determined to keep my luggage to a manageable size.  Seeing as I would be traveling around on my own I decided to restrict myself to one suitcase and my backpack.  

Both pieces are rather large but I justify their size with the argument that I am packing for four months in Europe and two months in the states.  

I spent several weeks creating and revising my packing list.  Once I finished my final exams I started by laying out the items I had assigned to my suitcase.  

Due to airline weight restrictions I decided to pack the lightweight items in my checked baggage and stash all the heavier gear in my backpack. I ended up regretting this decision when I arrived at Heathrow and my luggage did not.  I spent nearly the first full week without any clothing and hardly any personal care products.  Luckily my cousin Thelma was kind enough to load me extra clothes and anything else I needed.  
In my backpack I stashed all of my important documentation, electronics and other odds and ends. 

The end product is two well packed pieces of luggage that will be joining me for my time in Europe.  It's too early into the trip to tell whether or not I've done a decent job of packing.  There are some items that were left behind.  For example I wasn't able to pack an outfit for my friend's wedding in August.  I guess i'll just have to buy a dress in Europe, how unfortunate ;)  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The woes of being a muggle.

I wish I were friends with Hermione Granger.  She would have my apartment packed in well organized, labeled, and color coded boxes in no time.  While she was taking care of things Ginny and I could sit around, drink beer and chat.  That would be a nice improvement over what is actually happening.  I am currently sitting in the midst of chaos.  There are piles of clothes, books, papers, and comic books throughout the apartment.  I have a variety of half-packed boxes strewn about the place and am quite certain that this packing project will never come to an end.

Luckily I do have this beautiful daffodil to keep my company while I pack away my things.  My dear friend Flynn brought it go me at my party yesterday.  A group of us spent the afternoon indulging in German beer, fondue, and lots of giggling at Gustav's.  It was splendid, absolutely splendid.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Final Countdown

I have officially reached the single digits on my countdown to Europe.  In nine short days I will be leaving for England where I will visit the Goddard clan before heading off to Germany.  Unfortunately I still have finals to contend with not to mention moving out of my apartment.  At the moment I feel like I have things well under control.  By next weekend I’ll probably be shoving things into random boxes while talking to myself.