Saturday, March 19, 2011

The woes of being a muggle.

I wish I were friends with Hermione Granger.  She would have my apartment packed in well organized, labeled, and color coded boxes in no time.  While she was taking care of things Ginny and I could sit around, drink beer and chat.  That would be a nice improvement over what is actually happening.  I am currently sitting in the midst of chaos.  There are piles of clothes, books, papers, and comic books throughout the apartment.  I have a variety of half-packed boxes strewn about the place and am quite certain that this packing project will never come to an end.

Luckily I do have this beautiful daffodil to keep my company while I pack away my things.  My dear friend Flynn brought it go me at my party yesterday.  A group of us spent the afternoon indulging in German beer, fondue, and lots of giggling at Gustav's.  It was splendid, absolutely splendid.

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