Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Friends!  I have not abandoned you.  I've merely been overwhelmed with German grammar and other marvelous thing. A few weeks ago we spent our Midterm retreat in Blaubeuren which is a small town about an hour away from Tubingen.  This was a week of intensive grammar learning ending with our midterm exam.  Blaubeuren is a beautiful town and is home to Blautopf which is the source of the river Blau.
 Beneath Blautopf is a series of extensive system of caves.  Only a special group of cave divers are allow access to these caverns.  In order to explore these caverns the local geologist have a miniature submarine named "Speleonaut".  How cute is that?

Blaubeuren is also home to hundreds of snails of all sizes and colors.  I have a entire photo album dedicated to them.  On one memorable evening we were able to rescue a snail from the middle of the road and deliver him safely to a patch of grass.

I should have another post done this weekend concerning my trip to Amsterdam so stay tuned.


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