Saturday, May 14, 2011

Amsterdam Plan

The last weekend in May I will be travelling to Amsterdam with a group of people from my group.  I consider this trip to be a pilgrimage.  Shortly after my arrival in Germany, my friend Laura recommended I read one of her favorite authors, John Green.  Having worked my way through two of his books I too am of the opinion that he is beyond amazing.  He is currently living in Amsterdam and we are determined to meet him.
So far, my list of things to accomplish in Amsterdam consists of…
  1. Meet John Green!
  2. Eat Pancakes
  3. Find something cool at a market

If you have any recommendations please post them in the comment section. 

Things in Germany are going very well at the moment.  Although in class we are learning prepositions and they are the bane of my existence.  

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the prepositions! I'll ask Matt's cousin what he recommends in Amsterdam. I know is was there just last year.
