Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tour of Tübingen

        I thought you all might enjoy seeing a few photos of the city of Tübingen.  First up is the view from one side of the Neckar Bridge.  This scene is featured on a majority of postcards and tourism literature about Tübingen.

       During the first week we did a group tour of the city which included a hike up to the castle.  Apparently the Archaeology department at the University of Tübingen is located in the castle.  How cool is that!? 
View from the castle

View of the Castle

Marie and I enjoying a German
     Tübingen has a fantastic historic city center.  On the weekends a majority of the city's population can be found here sitting at the outdoor cafes or eating ice cream.  This is certainly a lifestyle I could learn to love.
City Center


     On Sunday I wandered through the city enjoying all of the outdoor markets and I happened to come across a comicbook store.  I was all atwitter with nerdy excitement.  They had many wonderful things including the Sandman graphic novels in German.  I haven't decided if I'm going splurge and buy them all or just my favorite one.  I did pick up a copy of Kick Ass in German and have been able to read some it which was very exciting.
Fantasy Empire

Tübingen is a lovely little city.  I wish I was going to be here forever so I could study archaeology in the castle and eat ice cream by the river on the weekends.  Then again, there's always grad school.

I will leave you with a somewhat artistic shot that I took while at dinner on Friday night.  I like to think that it is Harry Potter-esque.   

1 comment:

  1. I love that last photo!! And how awesome to find a comic book shop! I'm not sure why, but when I think of Europe, I never connect the visions in my head with a geek hq!
