Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter in Munich


When I was planning my trip to Munich for Easter weekend I devised a long list of things to accomplish.  There were several historic sites I wanted to see and museums I planned to visit.  I left Munich after four days with most of the items on my list unaccomplished.  You see, I was busy.  I was busy spending my afternoons in the beer gardens watching the world go by as I melted into my surroundings.  I honestly don't know how Germans accomplish anything in the summer months with all the parks and ice cream and beer gardens they have access to.

I did manage to work in some sight seeing while I was in Munich.  In the main town square there are several church towers that you can climb to the top of and see magnificent views of the city.

I also went on a few walking tours.  One was Munich by night which featured some of the haunted spots in Munich and tales of more grisly bits of history.  I also visited Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site with a tour group.  I plan on discussing this experience in a later post.

I have an exam tomorrow that I must study for so I shall leave you with one of my favorite photos from Munich.

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